Employee Referral Software vs Employee Advocacy Software

October 18, 2022

Employee Referral Software vs Employee Advocacy Software

In today's competitive job market, recruiting top talent has become a challenging task for HR managers. Employee referral and employee advocacy programs are two popular techniques that companies use to attract new hires. Employee referral software and employee advocacy software are two tools that companies can use to implement these programs.

But, what are the differences between the two? Which one is more suitable for your HRM needs? In this blog post, we will compare employee referral software and employee advocacy software to help you make an informed decision.

Employee Referral Software

Employee referral software is a tool that automates the referral process by allowing employees to refer candidates and track the progress of their referrals. This software can reduce the time and cost associated with the recruitment process and can help companies to attract top talent.

Pros of Employee Referral Software

  • Referral candidates have a 40% better chance of being hired than other job applicants. (Source: Recruiterbox)
  • Referred employees have a higher retention rate compared to non-referral hires. (Source: ERE Media)
  • Employee referral software has a lower cost-per-hire compared to other recruitment methods. (Source: Workable)

Cons of Employee Referral Software

  • Referral candidates may not be as diverse as other job applicants. (Source: Recruiterbox)
  • Employees may refer candidates who are not the best fit for the job. (Source: Workable)
  • The referral process may become biased as employees may refer candidates based on their relationship rather than their qualification. (Source: LinkedIn)

Employee Advocacy Software

Employee advocacy software is a tool that enables employees to share their company's content on social media platforms. This software can help companies to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to their website, and attract potential candidates.

Pros of Employee Advocacy Software

  • Companies that implement employee advocacy programs have 26% more job applications. (Source: PostBeyond)
  • Employee advocacy programs can increase organic reach on social media platforms. (Source: Hootsuite)
  • Companies can increase their brand's authenticity and trustworthiness by showcasing content shared by their employees. (Source: LinkedIn)

Cons of Employee Advocacy Software

  • Employee advocacy programs may not be suitable for industries that require high confidentiality. (Source: HR Technologist)
  • Employees may not be interested in sharing their company's content on their personal social media accounts. (Source: PostBeyond)
  • The content shared by employees may not reach the target audience of the company. (Source: HR Technologist)

So, Which One Should You Choose?

The choice between employee referral software and employee advocacy software depends on your organization's needs. If you are struggling to attract top talent, employee referral software may be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you want to increase your brand's visibility on social media and attract potential candidates, employee advocacy software may be a better option.

In conclusion, employee referral and employee advocacy programs are both effective techniques for attracting new hires. Investing in employee referral software or employee advocacy software depends on your HRM needs and goals.


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